Aug 13, 19 · Sand fleas are small crustaceans that are usually found on the beaches, in deserts, marshes, and along the coastal regions They can turn your funfilled beach holiday into a horror story with just a bite These disgusting and obnoxious creatures usually prefer to live near seaside habitat;Emerita is adept at burrowing, and is capable of burying itself completely in 15 seconds Unlike mud shrimp, Emerita burrows tailfirst into the sand, using the pereiopods to scrape the sand from underneath its body During this action, the carapace is pressed into the sand as anchorage for the digging limbs The digging requires the sand to be fluidised by wave action, and Emerita mustAvoid The Beach After Rain Rainfall seems to bring the sand fleas out in droves, so hold off on hitting the beach after the sky opens up and the water begins to fall You might have a couple of hours stuck inside, but it's worth it to avoid the endless itch fest that comes after a group of sand fleas get a hol...